Core Business

FDC Utilities, Inc., expands the portfolio of the Filinvest Group into the power generation sector. In all its power projects, FDCUI strives to adopt clean technologies ensuring minimal carbon footprint.

Retail Electricity Supply



FDC Retail Electricity Sales Corporation (FDC RES) is a special purpose company established to engage in electricity supply to the country’s competitive retail market. It is committed to exploring competitive supply options with the end goal of offering reliable, secure, and cost-effective power supply and providing efficient value-added services to Contestable Customers. Registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in November 2009, FDC RES Corp. (formerly Eco Renewable Energy Holdings, Inc.) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FDC Utilities, Inc. (FDCUI).

On July 5, 2016, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) issued FDC RES its license to operate as a retail electricity supplier.

Five (5) years hence, FDC RES has engaged in the supply of electricity with facilities affiliated with the Filinvest Development Corporation conglomerate, as well as non-affiliated entities.   Its active Retail Supply Contracts currently has a total contracted capacity of 42 MW with commercial facilities and industrial companies in Luzon and Visayas Grids.  It is expected that eventually, FDC RES would operate throughout the Philippines once the physical interconnection of Mindanao Grid to the Visayas Grid is accomplished.  This would further enhance FDC RES’s competitiveness as it then would have access to FDCUI’s 405 MW Coal Plant operated by its subsidiary FDC Misamis Power Corporation (FDC Misamis).

Value-Added Services

With the increase in number of licensed RES, end-users will have more options in deciding for electricity supplier/s that will fit their power requirement. FDC RES, to make it attractive to potential customers, but more importantly to serve its existing clientele, shall maintain and even improve on current value-added services that it provides, such as innovative billing system, energy information services, energy efficiency services, and green power services.   Moreover, FDC RES offers other services like energy resourcing, regulatory compliance, energy risk management, and training or seminars to contestable customers’ personnel handling energy or engineering concerns.

FDC RES offers these value-added services to customers for free and at no additional cost.